Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) is the largest meeting of the year within CAPSI and serves to allow any CAPSI Student Members to review and propose changes or amendments to the CAPSI UBC Operating Manual. 

In addition, the AGM is an opportunity for CAPSI Student Members to review what the current CAPSI UBC Council has achieved over the past Association Year and the priorities and objectives for the next Association Year. Each member of the CAPSI UBC Council will also be providing an overview of their positions and their highlights over the past Association Year.

Our competition winner and award winners will also be showcased during the event.

Attendance is open to all CAPSI General Student and Associate Members. Attendance is mandatory for all members of the CAPSI UBC Council, award winners, and competition winners (including the two runners up). 

All proposed constitutional changes and amendments must be submitted to the CAPSI Senior Representative. Any proposed changes or amendments to the CAPSI UBC Operating Manual must be approved by at least 50% of the CAPSI General Student Members present at the AGM.

CAPSI UBC AGM 2022 Meeting Minutes

More information about the operating manual can be found here